Tuesday, July 17, 2007

To say it or not to !

If anyone understands this.. please leave a comment on what u understood ... Thanks :)

These words, had they been my last ones spelt

In your arms, while my final moments melt,

Will hold ineffable emotions that a pounding heart pelt;

A final daring stand against time, to cry all that it ever felt.

A fragment of heaven, figment of my dreamy visions

Perfect, with it, all my imagination’s imperfections

You, exemplify everything in your slender cherubic radiance

divine grace, goddess’ arrogance, all in one aesthetic alliance

No such bliss, such as this, merely to watch thee from afar

So chaste an angel you are, even my adulation might leave on you a scar

Marry contrary emotions into an insanely recurring blend

The result is what I sense every second, until each other we befriend

To make you laugh and to watch you smile make merry my living

Life is short, I owe you a lot, yet I won’t get enough of this giving

Me is a cipher, not witty to spell even the first word of those three

But here is my call and I spill it all, submit the truth humbly to thee.