Why it is not worth doing for someone
It is one of the toughest jobs to organize something for people which they themselves are not interested in. I am talking about things like annual day party or general welfare parties etc. for one reason; your effort never gets acknowledged. People have this mentality to sit back and relax and criticize the events put up for their entertainment, while not contributing anything worthwhile. It’s a general human trait. The most worthless of people are the most widely available. They participate in nothing; majorly because they are good for nothing. They have the least of talent in any spheres. The are exemptions in god’s creation. Neither do they know about themselves, nor do they know what to appreciate in others. The occupy seats in plenty. They hog in ways that can put a pig to shame. And they are proud of that. Yet the reality is that they are the audience that stuffs are made for. They are the people the worthy few try to please. Such displeasure.
When there are cultural scheduled for 2 hours, they can’t bear to sit through half an hour and would want the bar to be opened within next 5 minutes. They need the food counter to be perennially open for them. To please these people, the one with the talent have to slog for months together. The talented few come up with ideas and prepare for a month, They in turn end up performing at empty seats.
It happened real recently. With the bar opened far ahead of schedule, the performers had to perform to an apathetic crowd. I was pretty pissed out at such an attitude and was having a conversation with god after that (such conversations are possibly only after enormous amount of alcohol intake)
Me: y do we need to struggle for something as worthless as this?
God: nothing in this world is futile. An artist is my incarnation on earth, for he alone shall create. He alone is a part of me for he can bring upon this world, a living and ever lasting entity.
Me: but what is the purpose? Especially when forced to entertain the wild lot of drunken barbarians?
God: a true artist derives his pleasure form the creation itself. It is in no way related to the way it is perceived or accepted by the worthless mob. The sole purpose of me creating the mob is to give a distinguished spot for an artist. It is how great you are. A mob is a mob and it remains a mob, eternally attempting to pull more into to being a mob. There are only a very few who can break this temptation for mediocrity. Your very distinction is your reward.
Me: But it is so painful to have failed in an attempt to please others. The only thing they are interested in is on something that can aid tomorrows bowel, or a something like alcohol that can be blamed for their innate stupidity or a flesh filled night.
God: that is what they are. You cannot spot six differences between them and a stray dog character- wise. But you as a creator should not identify the success of your effort by the amount of applause. The reward is from within you. You know the worth of what you do. You alone know the commensurate effort. You alone have the capacity to judge, for you are the gifted one. Flock to the one who can enhance your skill. Treasure the one who rewards you with its worth. Create for the sake of creation. Work for the sake or art and art alone. That is your bliss and that way you are blessed. And the bliss is in understanding the same and never any other time. Encourage others while they put forth their best. Spend time in appreciating diligent effort and be right with your compliments. That is the fundamental character that distinguishes you from libidinous beast. Create not for the unworthy lot. Create for yourself. Your performances shall be a tribute to me, a token of gratitude to its fullest. Spread this word that applause shall no longer determine the worth of a performance. It is your duty to do so.
Me: it has been a mini gita on karma yoga. I shall have no more questions and take it as my duty to let know those indignant artists that applause is no measure of success. It is worth less to please the worthless. The simplest and the most regarding part of art is to get the art done. Art justifies its own existence.